From marathon training and fundraising to personal growth and fun, this is me going from Good to Great.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Taken from a friend...You can do it! And here's why...

Improve your cardiovascular health and increase your chances of living a longer life. Prove to yourself and others that you can do anything you set your mind to. Gain the confidence to tackle other challenges in your life. A few years ago, the idea of running 26.2 miles was extremely unappealing. I couldn't understand why anyone would put themselves through that kind of torture. I enjoyed running, and I thought that my 45 minutes on a treadmill was plenty. Running just five miles at a time kept me active, healthy, in shape, and energized. After running my first 10K race, I was extremely motivated to become a better runner. I had friends who were running half marathons, and I told myself that if they could do it, so could I. I started running longer distances and successfully completed a half marathon. The feeling of accomplishment was so great (and addictive) that I wanted to take my running to the next level and complete a full marathon. I'm now in training for number two! I plan on running many more marathons in my lifetime-- here are 26.2 reasons why.
1. You have something to look forward to. When you register for the marathon and have it on your calendar, you have something exciting to look forward to. As the marathon gets closer and closer, excitement and anticipation build. You'll probably be a bit anxious, as well, but the anxiety is part of the excitement.
2. Emotional release. Angry? Frustrated? Stressed? Go for a 5-mile run and I guarantee you that those problems will just melt away. You'll feel so wonderful when you're done that you will temporarily forget what you were so upset or stressed about.
3. It's a good conversation topic. When someone asks you how you spent your weekend, you can say "I did an 18-mile training run". It's likely that the person will be in awe of you and you'll have something interesting to share rather than "oh I just relaxed and watched TV".
4. Runner's high. After about 4-5 miles (perhaps a bit more depending on the person) endorphins are released into your system giving you a pleasant "high" feeling. When you have runner's high, none of your daily stresses or problems seem to matter. You're on top of the world. From personal experience, best high of all the highs ;)
5. Toned legs. Running is great exercise for your legs. When you train for a marathon, everyone at the beach will be admiring how toned and muscular your legs are.
6. Your neighbor isn't doing it. Distinguish yourself! Fewer than 1 percent of Americans have ever finished a marathon, and you can be in that elite group.
7. You learn to love and respect your body. If you have a poor body image and often find yourself complaining about your body, training a marathon will give you a new respect for your body and what it can accomplish. When I started running, I could only run one mile, and it took me 11 minutes. I was exhausted by the end of it. I was truly amazed at how my body was able to run 26.2 miles when I put the effort into training it.
8. Weight loss or weight maintenance. With all the calories you burn from running so much, you are bound to lose weight. If you are already at your ideal weight, then running will help you keep the pounds off.
9. Mental freedom. Running can be your time to zone out and give your racing thoughts a rest. Or it can be a time where you are free to reflect on your feelings and gain perspective on your life. When you are out running, there are no distractions or demands being put on you by others. Your mind can wander freely without consequence. Just be sure to watch where you're going!
10. Physical health. Training for a marathon requires that you exercise 5-6 times per week. You will greatly improve your cardiovascular health and increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life.
11. Greater music appreciation. If you like music (which most people do), running gives you an opportunity to let the music flow through your body. I strategically choose my running songs so that they motivate me and keep me energized. Music is often something we play in the background of whatever we are doing. By running, the music will take center stage, and you'll have a greater appreciation of it.
12. Carbs become your friend, not your enemy. Are you sick of hearing about how carbs are so bad for you? When you run long distances, carbs become your best friends. They give you the energy you need to keep running for an hours at a time. Enjoy that pasta dinner while everyone else is ordering burgers without the bun!
13. You can race against Oprah Winfrey. Oprah ran the Marine Corps Marathon in 4:29. Even if you don't beat her time, you can have fun trying!
14. Demonstrate that you are a highly motivated and committed individual. Prove to yourself and others that you can do anything you set your mind to. If you're on a job interview, casually mention that you ran a marathon (or are training for one) to demonstrate your motivation and passion.
15. Bond with other runners. Once you've run a marathon, you'll feel an instant connection with other marathon runners. It's a unique experience, so you'll enjoy sharing experiences. Instant friends wherever you go.
16. Improve your math skills. Marathon training requires quite a few numbers: your mileage, your pace and your overall time. Some runners even measure their heart rate with a heart rate monitor. You'll learn to pace yourself across a specific number of miles and you might find yourself doing math in your head.
17. Add structure to your life. Adhering to a training schedule gives your life structure and organization. For many people, this structure can stave off depression and give them a greater sense of purpose.
18. Boost your confidence and self-esteem. Running a marathon is such a fantastic accomplishment on so many levels. It takes athleticism, commitment, and mental stamina. Once you've finished your marathon, you'll feel wonderful about what you've achieved. It will give you the confidence to tackle other challenges in your life.
19. Enjoy the outdoors and the scenery. Spending time outdoors and having exposure sunlight is proven to stave off depression. When you run outside, you have a greater appreciation for your surroundings-- whether they are natural or industrial. If your marathon is not in your hometown, you'll have exposure to a new area. When I ran the Miami marathon in January, some runners were stopping to take photos on the course. When I ran the Marine Corps Marathon, I ran past the White House, the Capitol, the Washington Monument and the Pentagon, and the finish line was at the Iwo Jima memorial near Arlington Cemetery.
20. The medal and the T-shirt. You'll have some great souvenirs from your race, including a medal that you can display in your home, and a shirt that you can wear that tells the world you ran a marathon. Most marathons also have photographers stationed throughout the course, and you can purchase running photos of yourself as additional souvenirs.
21. The carb-loading and celebratory meal. Before your long runs and a few days before the marathon, carb-loading (eating foods with a high carbohydrate content) is necessary to give you sustained energy. And when you finish the marathon, it's customary to enjoy an indulgent meal. Go ahead, you've earned it!
22. You'll be able to say that you "did it". For the rest of your life, you will always be able to say that you ran a marathon. This could mean a number of different things to you and others. But whatever it means, you know that you "did it".
23. You know someone who ran a half marathon. The half marathon is quickly rising in popularity. In fact, within the last decade many marathons have added a half marathon option to the race so that more people can participate. Typically, the half marathon has more runners than the marathon itself. Why? Because a half marathon is half the distance, requiring half the training, dedication and commitment. It's much more accessible. Running a half marathon is certainly an achievement, and I don't mean to minimize that. But having run both half marathons and full marathons, I can say that running twice the distance is twice as rewarding.
24. Making more time for yourself. Even if you train with other people, running is your "you" time. Throughout the rest of the day, you probably have people making demands on your time and attention. Running is one thing that you can do for yourself-- an escape from the stresses of everyday life.
25. You become more in tune with your body. When you train for a marathon, you become more aware of how your body behaves and how it reacts in different situations. As you walk around throughout the day, you might be more aware of your stride, or how your legs feel, or how your shoes fit. In the weeks immediately preceding the marathon, you will be especially in tune with your body, as you will naturally have anxiety about how your body will hold up during the race.
26. Crossing the finish line is a feeling like no other. When I saw the finish line in front of me at the end of my first marathon, I felt like gold. I had such a wide range of emotions all at once: pride, relief, excitement and amazement. I couldn't believe that I had actually run an entire marathon. If I could bottle that feeling and sell it, I would no doubt be a millionaire.
0.2. Experience the power of adrenaline. When you pass the 26 mile marker and you realize that you only have a fifth of a mile left, you get a burst of adrenaline. You may have hit the so-called "wall: during the race, and you may have had times during the race where you thought you simply couldn't run any more. But all of a sudden, you realize you are almost there! The adrenaline rush hits you like a wave and pushes you to the finish line.

2008 Race Schedule

1/27: Ground Hog Run
3/29: Olathe Half Marathon
4/6: Brew 2 Brew...Teammates needed!
4/20: Lawrence Half Marathon
4/27: Trolley Run
5/18: Heritage Park Duathlon
7/13: Shawnee Mission Park Triathlon

And then some cool fall races as well....

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Ironman Kansas 70.3 is June 15, 2008!!! Lawrence KS at Clinton Lake. Not quite sure what I've gotten myself into but I am super excited about it!

I just found a house to move into once my apt lease is up. But I still need another roommate, so let me know if you need anyone!

I have my first speaking engagement at the KAO alumni meeting in February. Wish me luck! I'd love to speak to more groups about domestic violence and the realities that surround it.

Its almost Christmas! Which means things are super busy with work... be sure to drop some change in the kettle when you see them!

Friday, October 5, 2007

I never thought it could happen to me.

October 13, 2007 will be a big day for me. It marks the one-year anniversary of the day that I got out of an abusive relationship. I can hear your jaws hitting the floor now. That’s the reaction I usually get when I tell people that, yes, it happened to me. I never thought it would be possible. Only poor, white trash, barefoot and pregnant women are abused. I’m too smart, with too good of a family, too well-off and too, well, normal, for that to happen to me. I always thought I would know better. But I was wrong. And it’s taken me a long time to realize that there was nothing I could have done to have stopped it. He was just that good.

We met in March 2006 at a bar. He was different. He told me he wanted to get to know me for me and that set him apart. I went on that first date with the perspective that, if nothing else, it would be a free dinner! We connected right away and were immediately inseparable. It seemed like the makings of a fairy –tale love story. Before I knew it, I had more or less moved in with him. I still had my apartment, but if I went there once a week, that was a lot. I quickly lost my best friends and began to fight with my family – both very uncharacteristic of me. He had me convinced that none of those special people really cared about me. That he was the only one I could rely on.

So much of the next few months have become a blur to me, and I’m so thankful that I’ve blocked out much of those memories. My day would go like this: Get up, go to work, come back to his house, fight from 5 pm until about 3 or 4 am, get a couple hours sleep and repeat. I nearly lost my job. I could barely function because I was so sleep deprived and so depressed. Plus, I had no support system, no one to rely on. He had isolated me from everyone. I didn’t see my brother, one of my best friends, for more than three months. He intimidated me, threatened me, degraded me, insulted me and even physically harmed me. Yet he was so good that I was convinced he truly cared about me, and was doing everything for my own good.

Then one day, I called one of those 800-number hotlines, that you think only get used on TV. I wanted to know what the definition of an abusive relationship was. After the conversation, I finally realized that if I had to ask, I was probably not in a good situation. So I called my brother, who had nearly given up on me, to ask for his help. He dropped everything to come take me out of that horrible situation. It was really hard to leave. In fact it took about 6 hours for me to actually get in Tim’s car and go. I am so thankful that he never gave up on me.

The months following were still hard. I wanted to go back so often, but I was slowly building my support system back. I had friends who insisted I call them instead of calling him. I am so grateful to those friends and my family who stood by me through those tough times. My brother invited me to move in with him. It was supposed to be for about a month, which quickly turned into six. I don’t know what I would have done without him.

It is my hope that no one EVER have to live through a situation like I did. So here’s the part where I ask for your help. First of all, share my story. Remember that it can happen to someone just like you and just like me. And every day it happens to someone’s sister, daughter, sorority sister, friend, co-worker, mother, niece, neighbor. I like to think that I’m about as normal as it gets, and that just proves how abuse knows no bounds. Second, take a stand. If you know someone who is being abused, let them know that no matter what, you’ll be there for her, no questions asked.

And third, I want you to know about what my brother Tim is doing to fight domestic violence. He will compete in Ironman Florida on November 3, 2007 – swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles and run 26.2 miles – and he is doing it to raise money and awareness of this issue. Tim amazed me when he opened his heart and home to me, and now, he’s doing it even more. I will be so proud to watch him cross that finish line, especially because I wasn’t allowed to go to his race last year. He inspires me daily.

There are days when I still have nightmares about what I went through. But I know God has a plan. Because of my experience, I have become a much stronger person who knows what she is capable of. And right now, that’s spreading the word about domestic violence and abuse so it can stop and not affect one more girl just like me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I made it!

Special thanks to Samantha Youngblood for making the donation to push me over my limit! I've raised just over $4,000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and I'm well on my way to physically being able to run the marathon. I did slightly injure my knee, so I'm taking a few days off. The doctor said it was an intrapatellar ligament strain. Which means, ice, rest, elevation and ibuprofen. Going down stairs isn't the most fun thing. And neither is Pete pulling me along when he's on his leash. Guess thats what happens when your dog gets a girlfriend. :-)

And now, a few photos of some special little people!!

Sean's First Day of School. He isn't as innocent as he looks!
Ian's First Day of School
Jake, King of the Corn

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I am a STUD!

Well, I ran the 20 miler. I think that makes it official: I'm a runner! Hard to believe huh? Unfortunately, I did something to my knee mid run and I have to go to the Dr today to get it looked at. Hopefully its nothing, I will complete my marathon!! Even if its on one leg! :-)

I only have about $10 left to raise to hit my goal. If I do a couple more fundraisers and get to +$500, there are incentives... a cool TNT hat, etc. I'm tempted... We'll see how good I do selling beads at the K-State football game! Ya never know how generous people will be in Aggieville after a Wildcat Victory!!

This weekend, I'll be manning The Salvation Army booth at the Kansas State Fair. Which means Pete and I head to Wichita to stay at Hotel Nanny and Poppy. I've never done the fair thing before, so I guess it could be interesting. I also plan to work and visit donors in Humboldt, Neodesha, Benedict, Altoona and Iola, Kansas. I'm sure those are all bustling metropolises! Seriously though, I'm loving my job. I have met some of the most interesting people who are generous and selfless and have great stories to tell. It keeps things fun!

Now that the race is less than two months away and its officially post-Labor Day/Fall, I want to pick my next race. Katie and I want to do a half... maybe Gobbler Grind. Any suggestions would be great! Especially if it means I get to steal my brother's Grinch costume and run with Pete!! ;-)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Fundraising update!

Only $484 to go!!

And once I get there, I can spend some time and effort helping Tim reach his fundraising goal of $15,000 for Stepstone. Domestic violence - an issue oh so close to home. See the link to Tim's blog for more info...

On a more personal note, I've decided to start figuring out how to buy a house! Somehow I've got to figure out how NOT to be an impulse buyer on this one. I get excited and I want things to happen right away, but considering this is a bigger deal than a new pair of shoes, I really need to take my time to get it figured out right. Any advice????

Friday, August 10, 2007


So last week's long run really took a toll on me. 16 miles of hills that stretched up and up and up. Or at least it seemed like it. It was really nice to have my brother Tim run with me. We maintained about an 11:00/mile pace. Got done in 3 hrs 23 minutes. The last few miles I seriously doubted I could take another step. Definitely the hardest training run by far!

Tomorrow, though, is only 8 miles. So no big deal. I LOVE how an 8 mile run has become "no big deal"... A few months ago I couldn't have even imagined saying that!

I have $1,024 left to raise! Please help me!!! This weekend will be a super fundraising weekend, boot blocking and selling beads at the K.

On a more personal note, I was totally touched by the note my brother got from the family of the kid whose wish he granted last year with his fundraising. Now that kid is a TNT honored patient, and goes to my high school. Leukemia & Lymphoma affect SO MANY PEOPLE and the stories that hit close to home really help when I have zero motivation to go run - like all this week. At least I'm struggling with a 4 mile run and not a life-threatening disease!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Fundraising Update

So as of Aug. 6 at 10 pm, I've raised $2,505!! I think this is great and now I'm even more motivated to get the final $1300!!!!

Please help me... One click to the donation site and all you have to do is punch in a few credit cards numbers to get your quick and easy tax deduction!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Isn't that special?!

Here's one of the whole fam after the Run for Glory to benefit RACE Charities. We are one great looking, sweaty bunch!

Natasha and I all sweaty after our 8 miles in the Wichita July heat! Lots more Tash and Trish running photos to come once we get to San Fran!

Well, training is going great. I have finally gotten "the bug" and I look forward to my next run. After my hilly, hilly, hilly 14 miles at Shawnee Mission Park I am totally confident that I can do this marathon! My new Garmin Forerunner is a great training toy, I mean, Tool. Fundrasing is working, as well. I still have about $1600 to go though, so please please make those donations!
I did get an email yesterday from some random girl that found my info on Facebook. She writes...
hey, I got your email address from your site on face book when my friend
Emily joined your group. I wanted to tell you by what you are doing it has a
huge impact on many families. Mine included My little brother who will be
turning 9 next week had Leukemia and is now in remission due to the research you
are helping to fund. Just so you know be prepared for a lot of hills my mom did
the same marathon two years ago and just completed her second on last January. I
encourage you to go to the light the night walk in Topeka if you want to see
some of the families that you have helped by doing this the walk is in sept. but
there is more info on the Leukemia and Lymphoma web site. hope you the best and
keep it all up you will do great and Thanks so much for doing it
Sincerly, Janelle
Its things like this that will keep me going during my grueling 26.2 miles! Thanks for the encouragement!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Just a couple cute photos from the trip to Disney back in June.

Trish and Tash are the real Ms. Incredible's! At least we will be after 26.2 in San Fran! What a team!
Trish and Tash waiting in line for the Tower of Terror. It was super fun! And we are too cute!

Ryan and Trish wait for Tower of Terror. Ah, brotherly love. Or something like that.

More photos from an amazing summer to come!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Run for Glory!

Saturday morning, I ran with Ryan, Tim, Natasha and several others in support of Ry's good friend Jeromy Gensch. He ran way too many miles in honor of his sister Glory, who just died from cancer. Together, they started a charity... - RACE stands for Raising Awareness of Cancer Early On. It was a very special day for me, because I finally got to run with the family. Especially my two brothers - who I know would do the very same thing for me as Jeromy is doing for Glory. To think that a year ago, things were so much different from now... We ran 8 miles in 87 degree humidity and heat, from 91st south and Broadway in Wichita to (as Tim calls it) OJ Simpson park, near Wichita South HS. Tash struggled with the heat. (Bet she's liking Wisconsin now, huh!?) I stayed with her the whole run and we had a good chance to talk. If only we took the same size steps, it would have been a lot easier to stay with her!

I am so proud of my family and how we are such a tight-knit unit. Spending the weekend with everyone in tight quarters at Nanny and Poppys was surprisingly fun. Its hard to be cranky in the morning when you get woken up by an adorable almost-3 year old who just wants you to come play with him.

As far as training goes, I've decided to invest in a Garmin Forerunner, and I'm pretty excited about getting this new training "tool". Today I run 4 miles (in tonight's heat!) and then 3 on Thursday, followed by a 14 mile team run on Saturday. I can't believe that I am actually going to run 14 miles. That's more than half of what I'll do on race day! I am a little bummed that I missed TNT's Silent Mile at the last team run, I bet that would have been pretty cool. Fundraising is going pretty well. Today, I need to get the Red White and Cure money to Helen. And then I might be at my halfway point. The girls and I are going to do a few other things...boot block, sell beads at a Royals/Chiefs game and get a party bus!! Should be fun ways to get $$!

Friday, June 29, 2007

Fundraising Update!

I have currently raised $1360. Which is awesome. I'm very excited about how well I've done so far! But... I need to be at $1900 in just a few days when "recommitment" rolls around and at $4000 in a couple months. So I need everyone's help!

Here's what you can do.
1. Send me a check.
2. Visit my fundraising website and donate online.
3. Come to "Red White and Cure" on Tuesday, July 3 at Wil Jenny's. Its going to be a great party for a great cause!
4. Tell your friends and family about my efforts.

As far as the running goes, this seems to be the easy part. I was more worried about the training, but 10 miles was pretty easy and this week we only run 6!

On another note, here's another great opportunity to help someone. Visit and learn about what family friend Jeromy Gensch and his family, especially his sister Glory, are going through. Here's a brief update....

Glory's only medical hope left is admittance to a special holistic healing
center at Santa Monica Cancer hospital. She is back in the Denver
hospital with liver failure and fluid is now even backing up into her
lungs. Her doctors feel that she'll have just enough energy next
week to make it onto a flight and get to the treatment
center. The center uses an "all natural" means of starving all
the glucose cells in the body (which Liver cancer feeds on), which is risky
in nature because it eliminates good cells, but in essence weakens the
cancer to the point where it becomes its most vulnerable after 2
weeks. Then, intensive chemo is re-introduced with a bit of
glucose and has a great chance of weakening the cancer even more at
that point.The cost of the treatment is $25,000 and unfortunately is not covered
by insurance. As such, my family is trying to raise the money as
soon as possible via RACE Charities' new GLORY GENSCH FUND. 100%
donations go directly to Glory's cause and she is in tremendous need of
getting there early next week. I started a foundation for Glory
called RACE Charities. Please visit and click on the 'SOS-Glory Needs Help' Menu to learn more as well as make a donation Online. Please spread the word about this to as many people as you can. Time is of the
essence!Note- In Glory's honor and in thanks of all the donations, I am
going to be running an endurance race of my own from Stillwater, OK to
Wichita Kansas over the next 14 days as I jog 125 miles up Highway
81. July 14th is the one year marker of the day Glory was
diagnosed and this July 14th there will be a couple
hundred runners joining me in the last few-mile leg up Highway 81 to Watson
Park, Wichita. Local media will be covering the event and the city
has already planned on blocking off streets and helping to make this event
memorable. Again, it is all in Glory's honor and to help spread
her story to as many people around the world as possible at the same time
raising the funds to get Glory the treatment she needs so much right

My brother Ryan and I plan on running the last leg of Jeromy's race with him. If you are in Wichita, please come out and show your support!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The week in review

This week's workouts have been very up and down. Monday, I swam for the first (real) time. I was very impressed at how well I did. 20 down and backs at the pool at Prairie Life. Not sure how much that really is, but I was huffin' and puffin' and my heart was getting a good workout. Running with Katie on Tuesday didn't go quite so well. Our 3 miles could have gone by faster for sure! Then swimming last night was still pretty good, but tougher than the first day. Hopefully tonight's 2 miles will motivate me going in to Saturday's 10 mile run!

Speaking of, I have to run my first double digits without the team. Scary! Luckily Andrea and I (and maybe Pete and Hank) will run together in Wichita before I head out to Vegas for "Laura's Last Stand"! This promises to be a great weekend with some great girls!

Monday, June 18, 2007

What a weekend....

It went by way too fast!

The team ran 8 miles again on Saturday. I'm most proud of Andrea's dog Hank, a little beagle who ran all 8 miles, and still had enough energy to wrestle with my dog afterwards! We worked out more details for Red White and Cure and its going to be great! Spread the word to all your friends. You don't want to miss this great party!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Red White & Cure

Well, I just got back from a wonderful vacation to Disneyland. I never thought vacation could be so exhausting! But chasing around a couple adorable toddlers in the happiest place on earth proved to be just as fun as I imagined.

Now that I'm back and trying to get in the swing of things again, I feel a bit guilty for not getting my training runs in this week. Although I'm sure I logged more miles walking around the park.

Things are off and running for the team's big fundraising event - RED WHITE & CURE. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, July 3, starting at 5 pm at Wil Jennys (next to Nick and Jake's) in Overland Park. Tickets are only $20 if you get them from me beforehand - as opposed to $40 at the door. All proceeds benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Team in Training. We'll have some great stuff to raffle and even better stuff to auction off. Including golf lessons from one of the local country club's golf pro's, personal training sessions and a one-month gym membership. Its going to be a lot of fun and all for a great cause! Spread the word to all your friends!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hospital Hill photos are up!

Photos from the Hospital Hill run are now online! Visit and click on the link for the 2007 Hospital Hill Run. Enter my bib number (5185) to view all the photos of me in the race. There are a few that make me look like a real runner!

Here's one of my favorites. Paul ran the 10k in about 45 minutes and got 72nd place overall. He was pretty excited and has since decided to run the Kansas City Marathon! Go Rizzo!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Celebrity Run In!

Update from Thursday night... Sara and I went to see the John Corbett Band at the Beaumont Club. John Corbett was Aidan in Sex and the City. He was also in Northern Exposure, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Raising Helen and others. Let's suffice it to say he is better looking in person than on TV and we all know how gorgeous he is on the screen. This photo is from a post concert outing to Kelly's in Westport.

And there are more concerts to come... Sara and I went to Brooks & Dunn/Alan Jackson last night and coming up - Toby Keith, OAR, Kenny Chesney/Sugarland/Pat Green and Dierks Bentley to name a few.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


I thought I was fine after the run. Thought I could have even gone further. But last night and today, my legs are tired and sore! Going up the steps to Erin's apartment last night was no easy task. Thank goodness for rest days! But I am getting so excited about the race and the training. I'm surprised to say it, but I'm actually starting to like running and I'm looking forward to the next training run. It's getting so much easier and that makes it more fun. Plus, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to see what can be done about this exercise induced asthma. Being able to actually breathe when I run will be so great!

Looking forward to tonight's Alan Jackson/Brooks and Dunn concert at Sandstone. Live music is the best!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Hospital Hill Run

Well, I ran my first 10k this morning. 5:30 am came way too soon, but before I knew it the race was over and now I have my whole day left!

I ran the first half of the race with Nicole Schumacher - whom I've convinced to do Nike with me! Then we split and she took off for the second half. She only ended up beating my by about 1 minute though. We really tryed to finish with a negative split and not get killed on the hills.

I felt good for the most part while I ran. I definitely need to ice my ankles as they gave me a bit of a problem throughout. Once I hit the last water stop, I dumped the cup on my head, trekked up the last (grueling) hill and then kicked it into high gear for the home stretch. I picked a guy up ahead that I wanted to pass and I did in plenty of time! Ended up running about 1:05. Its not going to win me a place, but I am so happy with how I did. I even felt like I could have kept going if I needed to....those days are coming soon though!

Photos from the run to come soon...

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Blog Trishy Blog!

Since it seems to be the thing to do, I'm now on the Blog Bandwagon. Following in the footsteps of my brothers for this upcoming marathon, I figure I should follow their steps toward O'Donnell Internet domination and super-communication.

I hope to keep everyone abreast of my marathon training, fundraising milestones and notes on my life and thoughts. Please make comments throughout. Your words of encouragement will keep me going through the miles and miles I have yet to run.