From marathon training and fundraising to personal growth and fun, this is me going from Good to Great.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Hospital Hill Run

Well, I ran my first 10k this morning. 5:30 am came way too soon, but before I knew it the race was over and now I have my whole day left!

I ran the first half of the race with Nicole Schumacher - whom I've convinced to do Nike with me! Then we split and she took off for the second half. She only ended up beating my by about 1 minute though. We really tryed to finish with a negative split and not get killed on the hills.

I felt good for the most part while I ran. I definitely need to ice my ankles as they gave me a bit of a problem throughout. Once I hit the last water stop, I dumped the cup on my head, trekked up the last (grueling) hill and then kicked it into high gear for the home stretch. I picked a guy up ahead that I wanted to pass and I did in plenty of time! Ended up running about 1:05. Its not going to win me a place, but I am so happy with how I did. I even felt like I could have kept going if I needed to....those days are coming soon though!

Photos from the run to come soon...


Anonymous said...

What a run, good job. Very proun of you. Mom

Anonymous said...

Man, I need to take a keyboarding class, or back to spellcheck !!!! M