From marathon training and fundraising to personal growth and fun, this is me going from Good to Great.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Fundraising Update!

I have currently raised $1360. Which is awesome. I'm very excited about how well I've done so far! But... I need to be at $1900 in just a few days when "recommitment" rolls around and at $4000 in a couple months. So I need everyone's help!

Here's what you can do.
1. Send me a check.
2. Visit my fundraising website and donate online.
3. Come to "Red White and Cure" on Tuesday, July 3 at Wil Jenny's. Its going to be a great party for a great cause!
4. Tell your friends and family about my efforts.

As far as the running goes, this seems to be the easy part. I was more worried about the training, but 10 miles was pretty easy and this week we only run 6!

On another note, here's another great opportunity to help someone. Visit and learn about what family friend Jeromy Gensch and his family, especially his sister Glory, are going through. Here's a brief update....

Glory's only medical hope left is admittance to a special holistic healing
center at Santa Monica Cancer hospital. She is back in the Denver
hospital with liver failure and fluid is now even backing up into her
lungs. Her doctors feel that she'll have just enough energy next
week to make it onto a flight and get to the treatment
center. The center uses an "all natural" means of starving all
the glucose cells in the body (which Liver cancer feeds on), which is risky
in nature because it eliminates good cells, but in essence weakens the
cancer to the point where it becomes its most vulnerable after 2
weeks. Then, intensive chemo is re-introduced with a bit of
glucose and has a great chance of weakening the cancer even more at
that point.The cost of the treatment is $25,000 and unfortunately is not covered
by insurance. As such, my family is trying to raise the money as
soon as possible via RACE Charities' new GLORY GENSCH FUND. 100%
donations go directly to Glory's cause and she is in tremendous need of
getting there early next week. I started a foundation for Glory
called RACE Charities. Please visit and click on the 'SOS-Glory Needs Help' Menu to learn more as well as make a donation Online. Please spread the word about this to as many people as you can. Time is of the
essence!Note- In Glory's honor and in thanks of all the donations, I am
going to be running an endurance race of my own from Stillwater, OK to
Wichita Kansas over the next 14 days as I jog 125 miles up Highway
81. July 14th is the one year marker of the day Glory was
diagnosed and this July 14th there will be a couple
hundred runners joining me in the last few-mile leg up Highway 81 to Watson
Park, Wichita. Local media will be covering the event and the city
has already planned on blocking off streets and helping to make this event
memorable. Again, it is all in Glory's honor and to help spread
her story to as many people around the world as possible at the same time
raising the funds to get Glory the treatment she needs so much right

My brother Ryan and I plan on running the last leg of Jeromy's race with him. If you are in Wichita, please come out and show your support!

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